Adventure Time!

Adventure Time!

Monday 25 November 2013


If you guys have watched the new Adventure Time its about this guy named James. In my opinion he is just an idiot. Funny guy but just an idiot. But it was a heroic action that he did to sacrifice his life to save them. But if you saw the ending he turned into a mutant, I wonder what he is going to do next.....

Wednesday 20 November 2013

The Pit!!

Well if you guys have watched the new Adventure Time, it was about Finn and Lady getting Jake back. To be honest I thought that it well be more.... climatic. I thought it was going to be an epic episode, fighting that demon, recruiting PB and Marceline , to help find Jake but that did not happen. Still a funny episode though.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Waving Snail!!

Well, I don't know if you guys have notice but there is always a snail waving in every episodes. And yes if you already know, it took me a while to find out about it. ( I noticed it at the "princess Cookie" episode.) Well the next time you watch adventure time try and spot the snail. It's not a conspiracy its just a running gag of the show. Here is some pics I noticed where the snail was:

Monday 11 November 2013

Jake Jr. eyes

Well its a obvious one, we can clearly tell "where the hell is Jake Jr.'s eyes? Well people have been saying that due to Recardio's doing in the episode "lady and the pebbles" that he tied her body into a knot. That explains the birth defect that Jake Jr. suffered from. ( ya kinda disturbing)

Download Adventure Time!!

Hey guys I have been surfing the internet a lot and I found this really cool site you can download Adventure Time from. You can even download the most recent episodes. See? who's the most awesomest person? ya thats right me. well here is the link:

without the creator of this website, I would have never watched Adventure Time. (THANK YOU!)

Sunday 10 November 2013

No Jake!!

Well if you guys watched the new episode ("play date") Jake got taken away from Finn. Personally I blame  Ice king. If he have never read those words on the sword that demon would have never came out. But I got to admit when Ice king and Abracadaniel fought the demon it was pretty funny. I mean "oh no there pelting me with flowers" ya that was suppose to hurt him. Also when Finn broke the sword with his knee... He must be really strong in order to do that. Well I hope Jake will be okay.

Jake's Puppies!

Has anyone seen Jake's pup's? Well they are freaken (trying to make this PG)  awesome! Well Jake has 5 pup's. There names are:
1) T.V.- This is the chubby rainbow striped pup.
2) Kim Kil Whan- a long noodle like (or hotdog like) pup.
3) Charlie- a long blonde hair pup, with a circle on the belly.
4) Viola- has a one sided bushy hair, Also has circle on tummy.
5) Jake Jr.- rainbow pup who doesn't have eyes (due to Ricardio)

My personal favorite is Kim Kil Whan, I don't know why maybe he reminds me of Jake.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Fionna & Marshal lee

Well many people on the internet, think that Fionna & Marshall Lee should be together. There "fans" like to call this "Fionalee"(get it because of Fionna and Marshall ok then). Well there are a lot of fanfiction comics that have them in a relationship. If I had to say I don't really support this relationship. Wait hold on before you start hating & saying "SHUT UP HATER" I will give you my reasons:
1) In the Episode "Bad Little Boy" Marshal was very mean to Fionna and Cake. He was just joking around but took it to far then he made Fionna cry.
But I agree that I would like Marshal Lee better then Flame Prince (because that dude is just crazy.). I have only one reason, but you probably have a thousand reason why they SHOULD be together. I understand but this is just my opinion.

The Mushroom War

Well people believe that there was a nuclear war in OOO. You can kinda believe that because you can see bombs, and a old tv. Well that explains why they all don't have technology, and there are no "functioning" working cars. (The reason why I say that is because you can see old cars around OOO.) Also if you have watched the episode "Simon & Marcy" they are living after nuclear war, and some mutated people.

Adventure Time Fanfiction Comic

Well I have been going online a lot recently (don't judge me) and I found this real cool comic. It's a Gender bender bringing Finn and Fiona, but as brother and sister. But the main character is Fiona and it talks about her going to a high school. Here's just some preview pics:
( link is

Friday 8 November 2013

The Fish People

We all know (maybe) that Finn thought he found humans living under in the "sewers".  But when the candy people attacked them he found out that they had fins and gills on there heads. What people think is that they were humans until there was a nuclear war, so they hid underground. Due to the radiation they mutated into half human-half fish. As you can see in these pictures

Adventure time Anime

Many people support that Adventure Time should turn into anime. In my opinion it LOOKS good but the story line I don't think it will work out. It just doesn't match the criteria it needs to turn into a anime. Therefore I rather like it in cartoon form, but the anime should look good.

Finn Losing his Arm

Well, many people (on the web) have been saying that Finn will lose his arm. I got to say that might be true. Well First there is a lot of hints that tell us that he well lose a arm. But I think he will lose it when Jake is not around. In many episodes without Jake, Finn is reckless and careless. He always get beat up, he makes poor decisions, etc. Here are some pictures that support he will lose a arm.
Well hello there, I have always loved Adventure Time. So I made a blog for all to know. I'm planning on putting different stuff on here, but on a later date so please bare with me.